Tree Trunks, possible dwarf gargoyle 🦎

Tree Trunks, possible dwarf gargoyle 🦎

Meet Tree Trunks, our very special dwarf baby we hatched this year (NFS)

 This sweet angel baby hatched in June and is a suspected dwarf gargoyle gecko (vet agrees could be a warf). We may never know what caused their condition as it is completely unethical to try to test breed geckos with this condition, and hard to find good homes for their offspring. Genetic testing is also not really an option, as far as I know, no one is working on sequencing the genome of gargoyles, so gene &/or mutation would be nearly impossible to identify. Nevertheless, we consider ourselves very lucky to have this precious baby and hope they continue to grow (albeit slowly), remain healthy, and thrive for years and years to come! Follow us on our Instagram for updates on Tree Trunks @gwengecko and with hashtag #tinytreetrunks